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If you're tired of the diet roller coaster, seeking recovery from an eating disorder, or looking to mend your relationship with food, know that you are not alone.

So many of us face these challenges and there is hope for a brighter path ahead.



Tag with saying: “Each of us has an inner compass that tells us how to nourish our bodies properly when we invite ourselves to tune in”

Diet culture is misleading. It perpetuates messages that there's one way to eat and one ideal body for better health. By promoting rigid rules and unrealistic ideals, it creates a false dichotomy of "good" and "bad" foods, equating dietary choices with moral worth. This simplistic narrative overlooks the complex relationship between food, body, and overall well-being.

Individuals who don't adhere to these narrow standards often internalize feelings of failure and inadequacy, leading to guilt and shame around their food choices and body image. Furthermore, the relentless pursuit of unattainable beauty ideals fueled by diet culture perpetuates a cycle of self-criticism and dissatisfaction, further exacerbating feelings of shame and inadequacy.

The diet industry has profited billions by convincing us we can't trust ourselves to know what's best for our own mind, body, and spirit. In fact, restrictive eating can lead to eating disorders and other long-term health risks, as supported by research and the experiences of hundreds of our clients.

The truth is, each of us possesses an inner compass that guides us in nourishing our bodies properly – when we invite ourselves to tune in.

Our team of highly-trained and empathetic dietitians helps you tap into that inner wisdom. We empower clients to take the driver's seat and assert control over their health using tools like food, movement, mindfulness, respect, and pleasure. Best of all, you can carry this inner wisdom with you for life, free from the pressures of fleeting food and lifestyle trends.


Haley Sutherland is dedicated to fostering inclusion and embracing diversity. We extend a warm welcome to clients and employees of all body sizes, races, ethnicities, genders, abilities, BIPOC individuals, and members of the LGBT+ community.

We recognize the privileges associated with smaller body sizes, whiteness, and higher education within our work. Every day, we actively listen to voices and experiences beyond our own and remain committed to learning, evolving, and advocating for a more equitable world.